Tři způsoby, jak použít Quizlet Multiple Choice ve výuce

V tomto článku bych vám ráda ukázala několik způsobů, jak využít funkci Multiple choice programu Quizlet v placené verzi Teacher. Jedná se o možnost přidat v rámci jedné kartičky k jednomu termínu až čtyři definice. Správná definice se zapíše jako první, další definice jsou nesprávné. Tyto čtyři definice se vám zobrazí, pokud vyberete metodu Learn nebo Test. Kromě evidentního …

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Would You Like a Native Speaker?

I confess that for a long time, I had been reluctant to write a post about language teaching and native speaking teachers, aka NSs, as they are often referred to in English-teaching circles, as opposed to NNSs – non-native speaking teachers. There is a great deal of controversy, the debate is way too polarised for …

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Return to Simplicity in the Language Classroom

I have recently attended two local online events, namely the conference Učíme jazyky online and an event organised by the Digitální lektoři duo. Both events were very useful, enlightening and actually served as a wake-up call for me. I had recently been through a professionally strenuous time, teaching a Business English course and a Czech-for-foreigners …

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Hrst užitečných online cvičení na češtinu

V současné době se mi trochu proměnila skladba studentů, protože teď neučím velké kurzy ke zkouškám a studentů na češtinu mám pár a všechny online. Je to vítaná příležitost k experimentům, které mě vždycky bavily, a navíc zjišťuju, že v online prostředí musím předělávat všechny svoje aktivity do jiné podoby – to je samozřejmě zábava, ale taky to …

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Ten Ways of Using Pictures in the Digital Classroom – Focus on Form

This article is written both for my colleagues that teach EFL and CzFL. It is in English, with some occasional explanations/examples in Czech. The underlying principles should be the same for each of the languages. Over the years, some of my most faithful students, both for EFL and CzFL have reached an upper-intermediate level, breaking …

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Tweaking Instructions for Groups to Reduce my Workload

About a very simple solution to a problem I had in class and should have thought of first place. I teach a course called English for Educational Purposes at one Czech university – two groups of 30-50 students in their first year of study, studying to become teachers at vocational schools or career counsellors. I’ve …

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Osm poznámek k výuce pádů v češtině pro cizince

Teaching Czech Cases: Eight Ways to Improve English Summary: This post is about teaching Czech declension cases to the students of Czech as a Foreign Language; this is also the reason why I’ve written this article in Czech. There are a total of eight points I’ve covered, and these are: (1) Consider the students’ L1 …

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